Thursday, February 8, 2007

Student Elections give me hope!

I'm currently on the campus of Brock University, standing in Issac's (our pub and favourite hang out spot) watching the Brock University Student Union All Candidate Debates. There are some excellent candidates and I am sure that next year whoever is elected will do a great job.

Several thoughts I thought I would share with everyone on this. Everyone seems to acknowledge that this is the age of voter apathy, particularly amoung my fellow youth. Watching my friends get up and submit their name to stand for election and be willing to commit the endless, countless hours that the positions the are campaigning for is an inspiration. It gives me hope that these individuals will be the leaders of tomorrow.

My perdictions for this years BUSU elections are as follows:

President- James O'Brien
Vice President of University Affairs - Damien O'Brien
Vice President of Student Services - Laura Grouchy
Board of Directors - Brittany Traynor & Bianca Bruni

Good Luck to all, although I am sure you guys won't need it!

In other news to quote a friend "you guys in Niagara Falls take your politics seriously!"

1 comment:

James Curran said...

I heard "predicting stuff" could be dangerous.